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Reports related to revenue and expenses.

  • Financial Analysis (InSight)

    Reports listed in the category are typically those related to the analysis of Financial information including revenue and expenses. ------------------------- Client Revenue Stats Displays list of Cl...

  • Financial Other (InSight)

    Reports listed in the category are typically those related to Financial topics but do not fit under other report subcategories. ------------------------- Cart Average Time Spent Displays a list of W...

  • Funding (InSight)

    Reports listed in the category are typically those related to the Funding Source records related to Client Funding and Course Section Funding. ------------------------- Client Funding Displays list ...

  • Invoices (InSight)

    Reports listed in the category are typically those related to Client Invoice records. ------------------------- Account Statement Displays a list of Client Invoice Line Items and Payments in a runni...

  • Receipts (InSight)

    Reports listed in the category are typically those related to Receipt formats for payment transactions. Pro/Elite User Notes: * Receipt reports are created using the Form Designer tool rather than...

  • Revenue-Expenses (InSight)

    Reports listed in the category are typically those related to Revenue and Expense transactions. ------------------------- Balance Due Displays list of Balance Due amounts grouped by Client and displ...