This article explains how to manage fees for course sections in XenDirect. It covers adding and configuring various fee types, including regular fees, variable fees, optional fees, and specialized billing options such as minimum deposit fees and program tracking.
Main Menu → Services → Sections (view + Fees tab)
Applies To: XenEnterprise, XenPlus, XenBasic
Overview of Fees
XenDirect allows users to view and add fees to a Course Section. Fees are user-defined and can be categorized in various ways, depending on the course and the client's needs. The system supports different fee types, including regular fees, additional fees, varying rates based on client groups, and special conditions for the Enterprise and Plus versions.
Types of Fees:
- Regular Fees: Standard base rate fees applicable to most clients.
- Multiple Fees: Additional fees beyond the base rate.
- Different Rates: Varying rates depending on the client's Fee Group.
- Set Default Fees: Allows for quick entry of global fees.
- Variable and Optional Fees: Available in Enterprise and Plus versions for customizable fee options.
- Minimum Deposit Fees: Allows a client to pay a minimum deposit when the total fee is greater than the minimum.
- Program Tracking: Available in the Enterprise version for tracking credit-style fees versus course-specific fees.
Restricted Fees:
- Restricted by Date: Fees can be set to only be active within specific date ranges. If a fee has an "Active Start" or "End Date" and is used outside of that period, it may result in errors, such as blank invoices.
Step-by-Step Instructions: Adding Regular Fees to a Course Section
For Basic Version:
- Go to the view mode of the desired Course Section.
- Navigate to the Fees tab.
- Click the [Add Fee] button in the upper right corner of the Fees window.
Fill in the following fields:
- Revenue Item: The type of revenue associated with the fee. This is a required field.
- Fee: The amount of the fee. This must be a positive number and is a required field.
- Fee Group: A user-defined list. Select one or more groups (multi-select). Fees without a Fee Group will not be correctly charged.
- Include in Balance: Check this box if you want this fee to be included in all Balance Due calculations. At least one fee must be tagged with this option to display in the WebReg module.
- Fee Method: In Basic, this is set to "Required" and is a required field.
- Income Account: If selected, this will override the default revenue account linked to the course section.
- Order: If set, this determines the sort order by which fees will be displayed in the Course Display page in the WebReg module. Values can range from 1 to 20.
- Click [Create] to save the fee.
For Enterprise and Plus Versions:
- Go to the view mode of the desired Course Section.
- Navigate to the Fees tab.
- Click the [Add Fee] button in the upper right corner of the Fees window.
Fill in the following fields:
- Revenue Item: Required field. Defines the type of revenue associated with the fee.
- Fee: The fee amount (must be a positive number).
- Unsubsidized Fee: The amount of the fee the client is required to pay that is not subsidized. This field is only available in the Enterprise version and only when the Use Program Tracking field is enabled in Branch Profile >> Preferences. This is a required field.
- Allow Minimum Payment: Enables the Minimum Payment feature for this course section in the WebReg module. When enabled, clients can make a deposit lower than the full fee amount.
Minimum Payment: The amount a client can pay as a minimum deposit when making a purchase using the WebReg Module. If the amount is less than the fee, the balance of the fee will remain unpaid on the client invoice. This feature is only available if the following settings are valid:
- Course Section Fee: The Allow Minimum Payment field must be set to Yes.
- Branch Profile: The Enable Billing, Enable Minimum Payments, and Allow Minimum Payment fields must also be enabled or configured.
- Fee Group: A user-defined list. Select one or more groups (multi-select).
- Include in Balance: Check to include this fee in Balance Due calculations.
- In Minimum Due: Check to include this fee in the minimum amount due.
Active Start and End Dates: Used to specify a date range for when the fee is applicable. For example, if a tuition fee changes based on the registration date, enter the start and end dates accordingly.
- Example: Tuition = $75 for all dates prior to 7/31/13; $95 for dates between 8/1/13 and 9/5/13; $125 after 9/5/13.
- Income Account: Can override the default account tied to the course section.
- Order: Sets the sort order of the fees in the WebReg module.
Fee Method: Defines the fee as Required, Pick One, Pick Multi, or Optional.
- Pick One: Clients must select only one fee from multiple options.
- Pick Multi: Clients can select one or more fees from multiple options.
- Optional: Clients are not required to select this fee.
Fee Target: Defines whether the fee applies to bundled courses, non-bundled courses, or both.
- Standard: The fee applies to non-bundled courses.
- Bundle: The fee applies to bundled courses.
- Both: The fee applies to both bundled and non-bundled courses.
- Fee Label: Custom label for the fee, which will appear in the WebReg module when clients are selecting fees.
- Default Pick: Pre-selects an option for fees in the WebReg module before the client logs in.
- Workshop Date/Workshop ID: These fields are available only for conferences in the Enterprise version.
- Click [Create] to save the fee.
Key Notes
- Minimum Payment Fees: The Minimum Payment feature is only effective if the Enable Billing and Enable Minimum Payments settings are activated in the Branch Profile.
- Restricted Fees: Be cautious when using the Active Start and End Dates for fees. Fees outside of the defined range may cause issues with invoices and balance due calculations.
- Fee Grouping: Properly assigning fee groups is crucial for accurate calculations and proper fee handling in the WebReg module.
- Fee Method Options: Optional fees cannot be used alone without a Required, Pick One, or Pick Multi fee.
By following these steps, you can easily add and manage fees for your course sections in XenDirect. Configuring fees properly will help streamline client billing and ensure accurate financial records. For further assistance, refer to related articles or contact support.