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Invoice Locking

The Locked Invoice feature is an optional setting that prevents modifications to invoices once they are locked. This feature operates differently based on the Invoice Method setting. It is important to fully understand its functionality before enabling it.

Key Considerations:

  • Once enabled, disabling the feature later is not recommended.
  • This feature applies differently based on whether your system uses InvoiceA, InvoiceB, or InvoiceC methods.

Applies To: Enterprise | Plus | Basic

Locked Invoice Functionality by Invoice Method

InvoiceA Method

When enabled for sites using the InvoiceA method, the feature operates as follows:

  • A new Invoice Status option called "Locked" becomes available.
  • Users can manually select the "Locked" status.
    • Once saved, the invoice cannot be modified manually or by any automated process.
  • When Cleared for Graduation is set to Yes in a Client Program record, all invoices related to that enrollment are automatically locked.

Handling Automated Invoice Modifications

  • If an automated process attempts to modify a locked invoice, the system:
    1. Compares the existing invoice against the fees that should be modified, added, or removed.
    2. Creates a new invoice under a special client record with Client ID = "FinanceControl".
      • The FinanceControl client record must exist in order for this process to work correctly.
      • The Client ID must be "FinanceControl" (other name fields can contain any values).

Triggers & Adjustments for Locked Invoices

  • Various data changes can trigger an invoice adjustment.
  • When a client with a locked invoice has modifications, a user with permission must run the [Auto Invoice Bulk] function.

Accessing the Auto Invoice Bulk Function:

Navigation:  ToolsAuto Invoice Bulk

Options for Running Auto Invoice Bulk:

  • One Client: Checks the invoice for one client in one session only.
  • One Course: Checks invoices assigned to a specific course. (Session and Facility are required to confirm the correct section.)
  • Last Name Range: Checks invoices for one session, filtering by an alphabetical range of last names. (This function must run outside normal hours due to performance impact.)

New Invoice Creation Under FinanceControl

If a difference exists between the locked invoice and the appropriate fee:

  • A new invoice is created under FinanceControl.
  • Each line item difference generates a separate new invoice.
  • Regular cost and student cost differences are recorded.
  • If a difference was already recorded for a client/session in FinanceControl, it will not be duplicated unless the fee is modified again.

InvoiceB & InvoiceC Methods

When enabled for InvoiceB or InvoiceC methods, the feature works as follows:

  • A new Invoice Status option called "Locked" becomes available.
  • Users can manually select the "Locked" status.
    • Once saved, the invoice cannot be modified manually or by any automatic process.

Automated Modifications Handling

  • InvoiceB Method:

    • If an automated process attempts to modify a locked invoice, the change is ignored and not recorded.
  • InvoiceC Method:

    • Since InvoiceC allows only one invoice per client per day, if an automated process attempts to modify a locked invoice, a new invoice is created instead.

Unlocking a Locked Invoice

The Unlock Invoice function allows authorized users to reset a locked invoice to Active status.

Steps to Unlock an Invoice

  1. Navigation:  Tools →  → Unlock Invoice.
  2. Enter the complete Invoice Number.
  3. Click [Unlock].
  4. The invoice is now set to Active and can be modified by any user with edit permissions.


The Locked Invoice feature helps maintain invoice integrity by preventing unwanted modifications. The functionality varies based on the Invoice Method, ensuring invoices are handled appropriately when automated processes attempt changes. For further assistance, refer to related articles or contact support.

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