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Attendance Lists (InSight)

Reports listed in the category are typically those used to list attendance records.

Average Daily Attendance
Displays client daily attendance records missing an Attendance Code or using an Attendance Code that has been disabled.

  • Enterprise version only.

Contact Hours by Course
Displays client daily attendance records on dates not scheduled.

  • Enterprise version only.
  • Includes dates listed as a holiday or not listed as a scheduled work day on the master Calendar.
  • Includes dates for days of the week not scheduled.
  • If the Dates Check column displays "No", the date is not between the start and end date of the course section.
  • If the Day Check column displays "No", the date coincides with a day of the week not listed as scheduled.

Cumulative Attendance by Client
Displays a list of dates client daily attendance appears to be missing.

  • Enterprise version only.
  • Defaults checking for the prior 30 days only.
  • Checks for client daily attendance based on the course section dates and days of the week in comparison to the master Calendar.

Cumulative Attendance by Course
List of Client cumulative attendance in aggregate form from daily attendance records per Course Code per Client.

  • Enterprise version only.

Daily Attendance by Client
List of Client Daily Attendance records. Grouped by Client.

  • Enterprise version only.

Daily Attendance by Course
List of Client Daily Attendance records. Grouped by Course Code.

  • Enterprise version only.

Monthly Attendance Counts
Pivot report list of Client Daily Attendance records in aggregate form displaying attendance counts per Month per Course.

  • Enterprise version only.

Monthly Attendance Hours
Pivot report list of Client Daily Attendance records in aggregate form displaying attendance hours per Month per Course/Client.

  • Enterprise version only.

Percent Attendance Recorded
List of Client Daily Attendance records with a percent of the total number of attendance days as recorded compared to the total number of days scheduled. Both actual days and credit days columns display. Percent calculates as # actual days attended / # days course section scheduled OR # credit days attended / # days course section scheduled.

  • Enterprise version only.

Percent Attendance Recorded (Hours)
List of Client Daily Attendance records with a percent of the total number of attendance hours as recorded compared to the total number of hours scheduled. Both actual hours and attended hours columns display. Percent calculates as # actual hours / # hours course section scheduled OR # attended hours / # hours course section scheduled. Actual Hours = all client attendance recorded regardless of Attendance Code. Attended Hours = all client attendance for Attendance Code where type is Attended. Report excludes course sections with Total Hours Scheduled = 0.

  • Enterprise version only.

Percent Attendance Scheduled
This report was removed in the version 2 upgrade
Displays a list of clients with no daily attendance recorded.

  • Enterprise version only.

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  1. Rick Stern

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