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Grades-Credits (InSight)

Reports listed in the category are typically those related to the Client's grades and credits.

Content Completion
Displays list of Content Completion as recorded in Client Attendance records in a column format.

  • Enterprise version only.

Coursework List
Displays list of Coursework records linked to a Course Section in a column format.

  • Enterprise version only.

Coursework Outcomes by Client
Displays list of Client Coursework outcomes records in a column format grouped by Client.

  • Enterprise version only.

Coursework Outcomes by Course
Displays list of Client Coursework outcomes records in a column format grouped by Course Section.

  • Enterprise version only.

Earned Credits by Client
Displays list of Client's credits (pending, earned, and declined) per Client Assignment in a column format grouped by Client.  This version covers organizations using InvoiceB and InvoiceC formats only.

  • The [Credit Status] field of the Enrollment Status list must be set to obtain an accurate display of credits.

Earned Credits by Client - InvoiceA
Displays list of Client's credits (pending, earned, and declined) per Client Assignment in a column format grouped by Client.  This version covers organizations using InvoiceA format only.

  • The [Credit Status] field of the Enrollment Status list must be set to obtain an accurate display of credits.

Earned Credits by Course
Displays list of Client's credits (pending, earned, and declined) per Client Assignment in a column format grouped by Course Section.  This version covers organizations using InvoiceB and InvoiceC formats only.

  • The [Credit Status] field of the Enrollment Status list must be set to obtain an accurate display of credits.

Earned Credits by Course - InvoiceA
Displays list of Client's credits (pending, earned, and declined) per Client Assignment in a column format grouped by Course Section.  This version covers organizations using InvoiceA format only.

  • The [Credit Status] field of the Enrollment Status list must be set to obtain an accurate display of credits.

Grades Distribution
Displays a distribution of Client's grades from Assignments grouped by Course Code in a column format and a pie chart.

Grades List by Client
Displays list of Client's grades as recorded in Client Assignment records in a column format grouped by Client.

Grades List by Course
Displays list of Client's grades as recorded in Client Assignment records in a column format grouped by Course Section.

Modified Grades Audit by Course
List of records from the Grade Audit Log that is automatically created when a Client Assignment Grade value has been changed. Grouped by Course Section.

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  1. Rick Stern

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
