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Client Cannot Login to WebReg Module

If a Client cannot log into the WebReg Module to register for courses, the most common cause is because they have an existing account (Client record) but the record does not have a Web Access User Name and Password.  This will often occur for imported records and records added manually.  New records added via the WebReg Module should already have a User Name and Password unless the fields were deleted via the Admin module.

When a client is creating a new account and receives a prompt that they have an existing account, there is already an account that matches some of the basic profile fields. The client cannot create a new duplicate account in this case.  An admin module user may have to add a username to the existing client record. Once added, the client can use the Forgot Password option on the WebReg module to assign their password.

  • A user can either add a User Name manually to the Client's record, but cannot set the Client's password.
  • Clients can obtain their user name using the Forgot User Name function if they have the email associated with the client account.
  • Clients can reset their password using the Forgot Password function if they have the user name associated with the client account.

If the client already has a user name and password, and the client states they are using the Forgot Password function and not receiving an email:

  • Check the client's Case Notes records.  A record should be entered for every attempt they made using the Forgot User Name and Forgot Password. 
  • If the Case Note record does not exist, the client should attempt to use the function again.
  • If the Case Note does exist, the client should check their spam and junk mail for the email. The existing Case Note record only gets created when the email has been sent.

Adding a User Name Manually
This process adds a User Name to one client record.

  • Main Menu > Clients Client Info: Edit the Client record, go to the Other panel, and enter the desired Web Access User Name value.
  • Make sure an email address is entered for the client.
  • Client can obtain the User Name using the Forgot User Name option or reset their password using the Forgot Password option from the login page of the WebReg Module.
  • The client can change the User Name and Password after login unless it has been disabled in the global settings.

Adding a User Name and Password to All Clients
This process adds a User Name and Password to all client records that do not currently contain a value in these fields and the Client record contains an email address.

To operate the function:

  • Go to Tools > Client Functions > Add User Name
  • Type 'YES' in the text box.
  • Click OK to start the process or click CLOSE to quit and close the window.
  • Follow the screen prompts through the rest of the process.
  • User Name and Password are automatically created. Only Client records with an email address are updated.
    • The User Name = Lower case values of: First 1 letter of Client First Name + First 4 letters of Client Last Name + Last 3 characters of the Client ID.
    • The Password = A random number between 12345678 and 87654321.  Even though the password appears as numbers, the field value is recorded as text in the same way postal codes are recorded as text.
  • The client can obtain the User Name using the Forgot User Name option or reset their password using the Forgot Password option from the login page of the WebReg Module.
  • The client can change the User Name and Password after login.



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  1. Rick Stern

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