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System Other (InSight)

Reports listed in the category are typically those related to system use, users, and permissions.

Displays the records from the master Calendar table.

  • Enterprise and Plus versions only.

Calendar Deadlines
Displays the records from the Calendar table where deadlines have been recorded.

  • Enterprise and Plus versions only

Calendar Sessions
Displays the records from the Calendar table were linked to Sessions.

News List
Displays a list of the posted News articles.

User Activity
Displays a list of the data entry and reporting activity by Users.

Message List
Displays a list of system Users.

User Login Logout
Displays a list of the login and logout dates and times per user including login failures.

User News Read
Displays a list of usernames and dates/times when a user read posted News articles.

User Permissions
Displays a list of User Permissions.

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