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Case Notes

The Case Notes feature in xenDirect enables users to record and manage an unlimited number of notes for individual clients. Many system features automatically generate case notes during their processes. This guide provides an overview of the functionality, navigation, field details, and key considerations for using case notes effectively.


Case Notes:Main Menu → Clients → Case Notes

Applies To: Enterprise, Plus, Basic 

Overview of Features

Case notes provide a detailed record of client interactions, including automatic notes generated by system processes. Specific case note types help track client consent and other critical information.

Field Details


  • Purpose: Specifies the type of case note.
  • Required Field: Yes.
  • User-Defined: No.
  • Key Types:
    • Consent Approved: Tracks the client’s approval to record personal information.
    • Consent Removed: Tracks the client’s removal of consent to record personal information.


  • Purpose: Identifies the staff member associated with the case note.
  • User-Defined: Yes. (Staff table)

Course Code

  • Purpose: Links the case note to a specific course, if applicable.
  • Feature: Show List Button provides a list of all available courses.


  • Purpose: Indicates the method used to communicate the information.
  • User-Defined: No.


  • Purpose: Records the infraction for disciplinary case notes.
  • User-Defined: Yes. (Infractions table)


  • Purpose: Tracks penalties applied in disciplinary case notes.
  • User-Defined: Yes. (Penalties table)


  • Purpose: Documents interventions used in disciplinary case notes.
  • User-Defined: Yes. (Interventions table)

Follow-Up Date

  • Purpose: Sets a target follow-up date for case notes requiring further action.

Case Notes

  • Purpose: Provides a memo field for detailed descriptions and notes.

Key Notes

  • User-Defined Fields: Some fields, like Staff, Infraction, Penalty, and Intervention, allow customization to match organizational needs.


The Case Notes feature in xenDirect streamlines client record-keeping by allowing detailed and customizable entries. Use this guide to navigate the system, complete required fields, and manage case notes effectively. For more information, refer to related help articles or contact support.

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