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Clients are your students and learners.

  • Introduction to Clients

    Clients are one of the main data content areas in XenDirect. The term Client is used to refer to students, learners, customers, and whatever other terminology may exist to represent those who purchase...

  • Client Profile - Part 1

    The Client Profile in XenDirect records key information for each client, whether referred to as students, participants, trainees, or by another term. This guide details the eleven panels in the Client...

  • Client Profile - Part 2

    This guide provides detailed information on advanced functions within the Client Profile in XenDirect, including automating additions, managing available actions, and sending emails directly to client...

  • Application

    This guide explains how to record and track applications for enrollment into a program of study. It is commonly used by organizations offering degree or certificate programs where the application proc...

  • Assessment

    Allows users to record an unlimited number of needs, barriers, and assessments for a client. ------------------------- Navigation: Main Menu → Clients → Application Applies To: Enterprise --------...

  • Assignment - Part 1

    This document explains how to navigate, manage, and understand the Client Assignment Record within the system. Users will learn how to access and modify assignment details, ensuring accurate records f...

  • Assignment - Part 2

    This guide provides an overview of additional functions available in Assignment management. These functions include sending email receipts, printing certificates, and transferring registrations. Users...

  • Adding Assignments

    This guide walks you through the process of adding assignments to a client's profile. By following these steps, you can efficiently manage assignments such as courses, bundles, conferences, and member...

  • Attendance

    This guide outlines how to record daily attendance for clients in a course or for an individual client in one assignment using XenDirect. It covers methods for entering attendance, important notes abo...

  • Blocks

    This article explains the functionality of the Blocks feature, which restricts specific client functions until the block is released. Users will learn how blocks work, key field details, and email fun...