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This article explains how to record and manage an unlimited number of goals and achievements for a client. By the end of this guide, you will understand how to navigate the Goals/Achievements section and accurately input data for tracking client progress.

Main Menu → Clients → Goals/Achievements

Applies To: Enterprise


The Goals and Achievements feature allows users to:

  • Record client goals and track their progress.
  • Update achievements once goals are met.
  • Attribute goals and achievements to program years and categories.

Field Details

  • Goal: Goal name pulled from the user-defined Goals select list. Required field. If you want to record an achievement without a goal, create a goal called "Achievement without goal" and assign the record to that goal.
  • Goal Category: Category of the goal pulled from the user-defined Goal Category select list. Required field.
  • Date Set: Date the goal was established.
  • Achievement: Achievement or outcome obtained, pulled from the user-defined Achievements select list. Typically updated after a client has met the goal.
  • Date Met/Earned: Date the goal was met and/or the achievement obtained.
  • Program Year: Program year the goal and/or achievement should be attributed to. Optional.
  • End Date: If the goal has a time limit, this is the expiration date. For example, some employment programs may have a 90-day limit after graduation to obtain a job for employment credit.
  • Notes: Notes regarding the achievement or goal.
  • Sample Population: If follow-up surveys are required and you are allowed to survey a sample population, check this box if the record is included in the sample population.
  • Survey Date: Date the follow-up survey was performed or completed.

Key Notes

  • Ensure Goal and Goal Category fields are completed to track progress accurately.
  • Update the Achievement field once a goal is met to reflect outcomes.
  • Use the End Date field to define time-limited goals, especially for programs with specific deadlines.

By following this guide, users can effectively track and manage client goals and achievements. For further assistance, refer to related articles or contact support.

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