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Clients are your students and learners.

  • Placement

    This article explains how to track client enrollment into unpaid job placements such as work experience or internships. It also highlights when to use Placements versus Courses and Assignments for att...

  • Program Enrollment

    This article explains how to record and track client enrollment into programs of study using Program Groups. It is designed for organizations that offer degree or certificate programs and need to trac...

  • Referrals

    This article explains how to record and manage referrals for clients, including referrals to other organizations or departments within the same organization. Users can record an unlimited number of re...

  • Residency

    This article explains how to track client residency for one or more schools and districts. Users can record school names, relationships, residency dates, and assigned contacts to ensure accurate data ...

  • Skills Profile

    This article provides guidance on creating, editing, and managing client Skills Profiles. The Skills Profile section allows users to rank client skills up to five times using a user-defined ranking sc...

  • Testing

    This article explains how to record and track assessment tests for clients, including test details, scores, and related information. By the end of this guide, you will understand how to input and mana...