To display credits on Client Transcripts and Certificate Reports, Credit Types must be recorded in the Client Assignment. Credits are stored in the Earned Credits and Credit Type fields within the Grade/Outcome panel.
Main Menu → Clients → Assignments → Grade/Outcome Panel
Applies To
Enterprise | Plus | Basic
Steps to Add Credits to a Client Assignment:
There are three ways to assign credits to Client Assignments:
1. Adding Credits to a Single Client Assignment
- Go to the Assignment record for the Client and Course Section.
- View the Assignment.
- Edit the Grades/Outcome panel.
- Enter values for Earned Credits and Credit Type.
- Click Save.
2. Adding Credits to an Entire Course Section Manually
- Go to Tools → Course Functions → Exit Assignments.
- Follow the on-screen instructions.
3. Adding Credits to an Entire Course Section or Session Automatically
- Go to Tools → Course Functions → Add Earned Credits.
- Select a Session to add credits to an entire Session OR enter a Course Code to add credits to one Course Code.
Click Next and configure the following settings:
- Credit Type = Use Default: Uses the default Credit Type and Credit Amount from the Course Section. If a Course Section lacks a default Credit Type, it is skipped.
- Credit Type = Not Use Default: Select a specific Credit Type and Earned Credits value manually.
- Enrollment Status: Choose which Assignment statuses should receive credits. If none are selected, all Assignments will receive credits.
Overwrite Existing:
- No: Only updates Assignments with blank Credit Type and Earned Credits fields.
- Yes: Updates all Assignments, overwriting existing values.
- Course Status (Session-Wide Updates Only): Select which Course Statuses should receive credits. If none are selected, all matching sections will be updated.
- Section End Date (Session-Wide Updates Only): Enter a date to restrict updates to Course Sections that ended on or before the selected date. If left blank, all matching courses will be updated.
- Click Next to confirm selections.
- Click Submit to process. There is no undo option. Once submitted, the process cannot be canceled.
Adding Credit Types to Client Assignments ensures that earned credits are properly recorded and appear on Client Transcripts and Certificate Reports. Configuring these settings correctly enhances tracking and reporting accuracy. For further assistance, refer to related articles or contact support.