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Client Profile - Part 1

Client Info records basic pertinent information for one client.  XenDirect uses the term "Client" to identify students, participants, trainees, or whatever definition your organization uses to identify your customers.


Main Menu > Clients

Applies To:    Enterprise    Plus    Basic

Field Details

The Client profile record is segmented into eleven panels. The Information panel can be modified to display fewer or more fields from the other panels using Custom Field Displays.

Information Panel

  • Client ID: This is a unique identifier for each Client. Enter a client ID or use the Auto Generator for Client IDs. Client IDs cannot be duplicated in more than one record. Only letters, numbers, and dash characters are allowed. Required field.
  • Client First, Middle, and Last Name fields cannot contain a # sign.
  • Social Security Number:  Social Security Numbers cannot be duplicated in more than one record.  This is a pre-formatted field. Not necessary to type hyphens.  See Branch Profile > Preferences for format options.
  • Stop/Hold: This field allows users to enter warning information about the client.  Any information entered here will force a prompt to display when adding an Assignment. Is often used to notify users of issues such as a bad check, overdue payment, or other important information.
  • Branch Share:  The Branch or Branches that the client should be associated with.  A client can be visible in more than one branch.  Only the Client Profile record is shared.

Image Panel

  • Image: The path of the Client's uploaded image.  Use the Browse button to locate a local file and upload it to the server.  Use the Delete link to remove the file from the server.  Click the file name link to display the image.  May require the purchase of storage space on XenDirect servers.

Address Tab

  • There are four possible address fields: Mailing (default), Home, Work, and Billing.
  • Same As:  Home, Work, and Billing addresses each have a [Same As] option. Set this option if you desire to copy the address fields from the [Same As] source to the target address when the record is saved.  If the Home, Work, or Billing address is intended to be different, leave the [Same As] field blank.  If the [Same As] field is selected and the target address contains an address, the address will be overwritten when the record is saved.
  • Mailing Preference: This field determines which address is used to display on reports and labels as the mailing address.  The default is "Mailing".  Changing this option easily allows the mailing address preference to be changed without deleting and modifying address field values.

Contact Panel

  • Email Addresses:  There are two email address fields.  Email2 is an additional email address for the Client.  The primary Email field must be utilized before a value can be added to the Email 2 field.  When any email function is used, the email message is sent to the primary Email address with a CC to the Email2 address.  There is not an option to select which email address messages are sent to.  If both Email fields have values, both email addresses will receive the same message.
  • Permitted Marketing Methods:  Highlight the selections desired to ALLOW marketing using that method.  This value is used during some report and email functions as an option to enforce or ignore the setting.  Clients may Opt-In or Opt-Out by modifying their client profile on the MyAccount section of the WebReg module.  Automated confirmation emails do not use this enforcement as they are considered business communications and not marketing.

Employer Panel

  • Company: Name of employer. List pulls from Company records.
  • Department: Name of department. 
  • Job Title: Name of job title.
  • Work Area: Area of work. List pulls from Work Areas records.
  • Profession: Name of the profession. List pulls from professions records.

Demographics Tab

  • A series of demographic and educational background fields.

Income Status Panel

  • A series of income, wage, and employment history fields.
    • Note: This data is actually a separate data table than the Client Profile but is shared as a panel on the Client profile page. If this panel does not show, you must set at least one field on this page to display on the main panel. However, because the data is in a separate table, the data cannot actually display on the main panel.

Other Panel

  • Miscellaneous other fields.
  • Client Type:  Select Individual or Corporate.  Corporate clients also enable the ability to enter quantity values in the Assignment area.
  • Credit Limit:  Sets maximum billing allowed via the WebReg module.
  • Bank Name / Bank Account:  These fields are used to record bank information for organizations that use an approval process to withdraw regular payments from a client's account.
  • Client Merge ID:  This is a reserved field to be used only for the Merge Client workflow.  Do not use this field for other purposes.

WebAccess Panel

  • User Name:  This field is used as the Client's login for the WebReg module.  This field and a password will be recorded if the Client added their profile via the WebReg module.  The User name can be modified or added via the Admin module. The password cannot be modified or viewed from the Admin module. The Client can change the password via the WebReg Forgot Password function. For security reasons, passwords are encrypted when stored using a unique and random key per password.

Intake/Exit Panel

  • A series of intake and exit/termination fields.

KPI Panel

  • This panel displays a few key performance indicators.

Messages and Prompts

  • Duplicate Client ID or SS#:  The Client ID or SS# already exists and cannot be repeated in another record.  If the existing Client record cannot be located and XenDirect contains more than one Branch Unit, check all other Branch Units for the existing record and share the Client record, if appropriate.
  • Duplicate Client: The user will also receive a prompt if the Client's Last Name and Birth Date match another Client record.  However, the new record will be saved.  It is the user's responsibility to check for duplicate records.
  • Delete Client:  A client record can only be deleted from the client screen when no records exist in other related tables such as assignments and payments.  In this case, use the Delete One Course workflow to delete the primary profile and all related Client records.

Fix Case

The Fix Case action changes the case of the following fields to Title Case. Title Case is defined as capitalizing the first letter in each word. The balance of the letters in each word are lower case. This workflow only changes the current Client record in view mode and concentrates solely on fields affecting the mailing address.
  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Mailing Address 1
  • Mailing Address 2 

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  1. Rick Stern

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