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Deleting Records

Data in existing records may be deleted by using the delete function.

Using the Delete Button to Remove a Record

  • From any Navigation Menu, choose a content area.
  • From the Results List view, click the [DELETE] button.
    • Method 1: This button displays in the row of every record. Hover over the rows to display the action buttons.
    • Method 2: Go to the edit mode of the record and click the [DELETE] button in the primary panel.
    • The user must have edit permission for the button display.

Important Notes:

  • If the record has related records in subtables, the record cannot be deleted. Users will receive a prompt informing the user that the record is referenced within other tables. This ability to delete subtable records at the same time, known as cascade delete, is disabled in XenDirect to preserve data integrity. The subtable's records would need to be deleted first before deleting the primary record.

eLearning: Deleting Records

* If you want to open the eLearning lesson in a new tab, use Right-Click and select the "Open link in new tab" option.

Can I Undo a Record I Deleted?

Once you delete a record, the delete cannot be undone. The record has been removed from the system. If you want to undo a record delete, you must decide this before deleting the record and you must use the [CANCEL] button to stop the delete process from starting.

 Page last revised 6/14/2022

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