Passwords are recorded and used in the following areas:
- Users: Required to access the XenDirect Admin module.
- Staff: Optional, but are required to log into the QuickTools module.
- Clients: Optional, but are required to log into the WebReg module.
- Client Family: Optional. This password field is not used at this time.
To Change the Password of the User Currently Logged In
- In the form, enter your Current Password, New Password, and Confirm New Password fields.
- Use the [Submit] to close and save the new changes. Use the [Cancel] button to close the window without saving the new changes.
- If there are violations of the strong password settings, the user will be prompted to make required changes before saving the password.
To Change the Password of Another User
- Users do not have the ability to change or see passwords for other users.
- Users that need or desire to change their password must use the process above while logged in or use the Forgot password from the login screen.