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This article explains how to manage certifications for courses in XenDirect. Users can identify which certifications can be earned by taking a course, as well as specify the certifying organization. It also provides step-by-step instructions on how to add or edit certifications for a course.


Main Menu → Services → Courses 

Applies To: Enterprise, Plus, Basic

Overview of Certifications

Certifications are used to track and display credentials earned by participants upon completing a course. The following fields are essential for setting up certifications in XenDirect:

  • Certification:
    • Required Field: This field records the name of the certification awarded upon course completion.
    • The certification name is selected from a list that pulls from the Certifications table.
  • Certifying Organization:
    • Optional Field: This field specifies the organization responsible for certifying the course participant.
    • While optional, this is helpful for identifying the certifying body.

How to Add a Certification

Follow these steps to add a certification to a course:

  1. Click the Edit button on the Certification panel.
  2. Click Add Course Certification to open the certification options.
  3. In the Certification field, select the name of the certification from the drop-down list (this list is populated from the Certifications table).
  4. In the Certifying Organization field, enter the name of the certifying organization (optional).
  5. Click Add to save the certification details.

By following these steps, you can easily add or edit certifications for courses in XenDirect, ensuring accurate tracking and display of earned certifications. For further assistance, refer to related articles or contact support

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