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Branch Preferences

The Branch Profile is the data location where the system's primary settings are recorded. This section focuses on Preferences.

  • When changing any Branch setting, any user currently logged into the Admin Module may not experience the setting modification until the user logs out and logs back in again.  Most Branch settings take effect at login in the Admin Module and take effect immediately in the Web Registration Module.
  • Some fields are version specific and may not appear in the Branch Profile.

Header > Admin/Security > Settings > Branch Profile > Preferences Panel
Applies To:    Enterprise    Plus    Basic


  • Use Program Tracking:  Program tracking is a special use of Program Groups and Client enrollment into Programs versus courses.  This setting enables or disables the feature and some additional options.  Enterprise only.
  • Automatic Waitlist:  If enabled, Web Registration module are users offered the option to register for a course on the wait list when the course is full.
  • Hide Hand Count:  Hide the Hand Count feature on the Countbook.  If checked, the Hand Count feature will not display on the Countbook.
  • Allow Credit Card Processing:  If Yes and a payment gateway is setup, credit card payments can be processed automatically within XenDirect.  If No, users will see a prompt that the feature is disabled when they try to use the credit card processing button.
  • Allow Credit Card Refunding:  If Yes and a payment gateway is setup, credit card refunds can be processed electronically within XenDirect.  If No, users will see a prompt that the feature is disabled when they try to use the credit card processing button.
  • Auto Branch Share Staff:  If enabled, will automatically share new staff records created in any Branch to the Branches tagged as Auto Branch Share = Yes.  Only operates in a multi-branch XenDirect site on both the Admin and WebReg modules.
  • Auto Branch Share Client:  If enabled, will automatically share new client records created in any Branch to the Branches tagged as Auto Branch Share = Yes.  Only operates in a multi-branch XenDirect site on both the Admin and WebReg modules.
  • Sessions Filter Order:  Determines sort order of Sessions in all Sessions select lists.
  • Session Current/Default:  The current or default Session used for select lists such as the default session select list in Client Assignment. This field does not control the Course Popup.  See Sessions to control the display of sessions in the Course Popup button.
  • Restrict Course Popup:  If Yes, Course Popup will display only course sections that have a status of Offered and have space available for registrations.  Course sections with wait lists will not display.
  • Permitted Marketing Methods:  This field sets the preferred values on the Client field with the same name when a new record is opened.
  • Address Method: Value determines how addresses are formatted to accommodate the difference between countries.  Currency Symbol: Select which currency symbol is used by all modules.
    • District: Country does not have a postal code and utilizes Districts instead of States or Provinces.
    • Provinces: Country uses up to a seven alpha/numeric character postal code and utilizes Provinces instead of Districts or States.
    • Town:  Country uses up to a seven alpha/numeric character postal code and utilizes Towns and does not require a District, State, or Province.
    • ZIP:  Country uses a 5 number postal code and utilizes States instead of Districts or Provinces.
    • ZIP-Global:  Country uses up to a ten alpha/numeric character postal code.  State is still maintained as the identifier rather than Districts or Provinces.
  • Phone Format:  Determines how phone numbers can be entered in the Client Profile of all modules. For all other phone numbers, the format and field mask remains as (###) ###-####. For unformatted, the field mask will appear as a * in the field.
    • Formatted:  Forces number to be entered in U.S. format of the area code, exchange, and number into separate fields.
    • Unformatted:  Allows for any combination of numbers, letters, and spaces up to a maximum number of characters without any formatting. Although special characters are allowed, it is suggested to use them sparingly to prevent issues with other applications.
  • SSN Format:  Determines how social security numbers can be entered in the Admin Module.  See Global Settings for the WebReg equivalent setting for SSN formatting.
    • 9 only:  Allows for 9 numbers only.
    • 4, 5 or 9:  Allows for a 4, 5 or 9 numbers.
    • 4 only:  Allows for 4 numbers only.
    • 5 only:  Allows for 4 numbers only.
  • Duplicate Course Codes:  Option setting determining when duplicate Course Codes are allowed.  As of 1/1/2014, duplicate course codes are not supported except for existing sites that have been grandfathered over.
    • Never: Duplicate Course Codes will never be allowed.
    • Session: Duplicate Course Codes will only be allowed if in different Sessions.  (This option is no longer permitted)
    • Session/Facility: Duplicate Course Codes will only be allowed if in different Sessions or within the same Session if at a different Facility.  (This option is no longer permitted)
  • Receipt Template:  Default format template for Receipt report.
  • Roster Filter:  Set the preference value for the Filter By report option of the Roster Report.  If no value is set, the default is "Dates".
  • Default Roster:  Set the default roster for the Roster report page and QuickTools.  If the default roster is also set at the Course Section level, the Course Section default overrides the Branch default in QuickTools roster printing.
  • Balance Due Insert:  Forces automatic insertion of the balance due into the Amount field of a new Client Payment when the balance due is greater than zero.  The total balance due is entered regardless of Revenue Item chosen.  If disabled, Amount will default to zero.
  • Enable Auto Invoice:  If enabled, this will cause an invoice to be created or modified every time a Client Assignment is added.  Existing invoices with a Credit or Debit memo are ignored using this auto function.
  • Enable Zero Invoice:  If enabled, this works in combination with the Enable Auto Invoice and will create invoices even if the course section for the assignment has no fees or zero fees.  If disabled, the invoice will not be created.
  • Enable Void Invoice:  If enabled, this will prevent the main invoice record from being deleted and instead will cause it to be tagged as “Voided”.  Invoice Items can still be deleted.  (Admin module only)
  • Enable Locked Invoice:  If enabled, this will prevent any invoice tagged as Status = "locked" from edits and changes.  Read more
  • Enable Locked User:  If enabled, the Staff field in the following Client areas are locked from edit once saved and limits the Staff field to the Staff record linked to the system user entering the record.
    • Client Case Note: The Staff field will be the locked field and will be required.
    • Client Block: The Blocked By field will be the locked field and will be required.
    • This feature can include Client Case Notes, Client Block, or both.
    • A Staff record must be linked to the System User record for this feature to function if enabled.  If not, the table fields operate normally.
    • If the feature is enabled and then later disabled, the fields revert back to unlocked status and editable.
    • This feature is available in Enterprise only.
  • Number MultiSelect Rows:  Set the number of rows displayed in a multi-select input or search field.  Required field.  The default is 3.
  • Restrict Edit Days:  The value entered here is the maximum number of days after a course section ends that a permission group can edit Assignment data if the permission group is also tagged as Restrict Grades = Yes.  If there is no course section end date, then the restriction is based on the matching Session Grades Due Date.  If both are blank, there are no restrictions.
  • Restrict New Assignment:  New button will be disabled for all Client areas highlighted when an active record exists.
  • NRS Case Management:  How your organization determines case management from an NRS point of view.  The list is not user-defined.
  • Re-Test Hours:  Number of attendance hours flag before a client should be retested.
  • Age Check:  If an age is entered in this field, the user will receive a warning prompt when they save a client record with a birth date that calculates to an age less than the Age Check.
  • Enforce Age Check:  If checked, works in conjunction with Age Check field above and prevents the user from saving a client birth date that violates the Age Check minimum.  (Note:  This function only operates when the Custom Client form is not set to a Tabbed form.)
  • Enforce Prerequisites:  Course Prerequisites are created at Main Menu >> Courses >> Course Info.  View a course and go to the Prerequisites tab.
    • If set to No, all prerequisites are ignored.
    • If set to Yes, when an Assignment is being added and the course has one or prerequisite courses and the client has not successfully taken the course, the Assignment cannot be added.  A successful course is one with an Enrollment Status = "Enrolled/Active" or "Completed-Satisfactory".
    • If set to Prompt, when an Assignment is being added and the course has one or prerequisite courses and the client has not successfully taken the course, the user will receive a prompt that prerequisites exist but the Assignment can still be added.  A successful course is one with an Enrollment Status = "Enrolled/Active" or "Completed-Satisfactory".
    • Note that this setting only controls the Admin module, not the WebReg module.  See Web Reg Settings to enforce prerequisites in WebReg.
    • For organizations where each program year is in a separate database, the check to see if the client has successfully taken a prerequisite only takes place in the same program year database, not across years.
    • This feature is available in Plus and Enterprise versions.
  • Attendance Flag %:  Percentage of attendance days flag when a client falls below.
  • Attendance Flag #:  Number of attendance days flag when a client falls below.
  • Display District:  Affects display of School District Residency display in two locations: (a) Clients Results List and (b) Attendance AddAll grid.
  • Enter Comments As:  Affects how Comment field values are entered into Client Progress records.  A Text value uses a drop down text select method, and a Number value allows for direct entry of the Comment ID number for faster entry.  When set to Number, a Show List option button also displays next to each Comment field for reference or as use for data entry. (This field is no longer used).
  • Current Grade Version:  Enter the value for the current version number of the grading system being used.  If this value is set, Grade Version becomes a required field on the Client Assignment record.
  • Display Country: Display country name in postal area of reports.
  • Display Return Address:  Display return address in postal area of reports.
  • Display SS #:  Display SS# in certain reports.
  • Registration Template:  Default format template for Registration report.
  • Require Section Cancellation Policy:  See Policies
  • Require Section Refund Policy:  See Policies
  • Refund Policy:  Enter Refund Policy as it should display on reports such as Receipt reports and various WebReg pages and the WebReg confirmation email. Enterprise users, see Policies for additional options.
  • Invoice Message Regular and Proforma:  The messages entered here appear in the footer of the invoices created using the Main Menu >> Clients >> Registration / Invoices feature.

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