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What is SMS Text

SMS (Short Message Service) allows organizations to send text messages to mobile phones via XenDirect. This feature requires an account with and sufficient prepaid funds to send messages. Messages sent and replies received consume message units from your Twilio account.

Note: The only cost to enable the SMS Text feature in XenDirect is a one-time setup fee. For pricing and activation, contact Xenegrade sales or submit a support ticket.

Key Considerations

  • SMS messages should only be sent to recipients who have provided consent. Unauthorized messages may violate local, state, or federal laws.
  • Clients: SMS messages are restricted unless the [Permitted Marketing Methods] field includes “Text” or “Alerts”.
  • Staff: SMS messages are restricted unless the [Permitted SMS Text] field is checked as “Yes”.
  • Reply messages are not processed, except for the commands STOP (to opt-out) and START (to opt back in).
  • If a mobile number appears in multiple client records, the message will be sent to each instance based on the selected filter.
  • Organizations that use separate databases per program year will only have SMS functionality enabled for the current program year database.

Sending SMS Messages in XenDirect

Currently, SMS messages can only be sent manually through the SMS Text menu under:

Navigation: Tools → Marketing → Send SMS Text

Future enhancements may allow for automated alerts (see below).

Future Development: Automated WebReg MyAccount Alerts

A planned feature will enable clients to opt-in for automatic SMS alerts through WebReg MyAccount. These alerts will notify clients based on predefined conditions. If interested in this feature, Xenegrade welcomes suggestions for automated text message types.

Examples of Potential SMS Alerts:

  • Course Start Reminder: Notification on the first day of class.
  • Evaluation Reminder: Request to submit a course evaluation.
  • Upcoming Course Offering: Alerts about new or upcoming courses.
  • Class Cancellation Notice: Due to weather, instructor illness, or other circumstances.
  • Waitlist Notification: Alert when a waitlisted spot becomes available.
  • Course Changes: Notifications for date, time, or location changes.


The SMS Text feature in XenDirect allows for direct communication with clients and staff via text messages, ensuring timely notifications and engagement. Future developments will expand these capabilities with automated messaging options. For further assistance, refer to related articles or contact support.

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