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Merge Clients

The Merge Clients function updates and consolidates records from one client record into another. This is typically used when two records belong to the same person.


ToolsClient FunctionsMerge Clients

Applies To: Enterprise | Plus | Basic


The Merge Clients function is a manual process used to merge duplicate client records. Because this function is resource-intensive, it may cause record deadlocks if other users are adding or modifying data at the same time. To prevent issues, it is recommended to restrict access to users who truly need it.

Key Notes:

  • A Case Note is automatically added to the saved client record, showing the name and Client ID of the merged record.
  • The Merge List Report allows users to review past client merges. If a client has been merged multiple times, only the last merge will display.
  • Merges cannot be undone. Always confirm before proceeding.

How to Merge Client Records

  1. Launch the Merge Clients function.
  2. Enter the Source Client ID (the record that will be deleted).
  3. Enter the Target Client ID (the record that will be kept).
  4. Submit the merge process.
  5. A completion prompt will confirm when the merge is finished.


The Merge Clients function transfers data from the Source Client to the Target Client and then deletes the Source Client record.

What Data is Merged?

  • All data from the following categories is transferred:
    • Applications, Assignments, Attendance, Assessments, Blocks, Family, Case Notes, Documents, Residency, Progress, Testing, Employment, Goals/Achievements, Placement, Payments, Funding, Classifications, Checklist, Coursework, Invoices, Higher Ed, Evaluation Replies, Contracts, Message Log, SMS Message Log, Client Skills, Client Testing, Page View, and Referrals.

What Data is NOT Merged?

  • Source Client Primary Info, Client Profile, and Client Fee Group records are not transferred.
  • The Source Client record is deleted unless it is shared with another Branch Unit.

Merge Restrictions:

  • If both Source and Target Clients have at least one matching Assignment, the merge will fail.
    • Fix duplicate Assignments and try again.
  • Unsupported tables (in specific XenDirect versions) are ignored.

Important Considerations

  • Data may duplicate if similar records already exist in both Source and Target Clients.
  • No recovery method exists to undo a merge. Confirm all details before merging.


The Merge Clients function ensures data accuracy by consolidating duplicate records into a single client entry. Use this function carefully, as merged data cannot be undone. For further assistance, refer to related articles or contact support.

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