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Client Workflows and Tools

Processing functions to help you manage Clients.

  • Create Multiple Assignments

    The Create Multiple Assignments function allows users to add multiple assignments to a single client or multiple clients efficiently. This includes assignments for courses, bundles, conferences, and m...

  • Delete One Client

    This function allows you to delete one client and all related records. Bulk deletion of multiple clients at once is not supported in Release 3. Navigation Tools → Client Functions → Delete One Client ...

  • Manage CTEDS

    This article explains the two functions available to assist with data management for the NYSED Secondary CTEDS-2 report. These functions are based on the limited information currently available regard...

  • Merge Clients

    The Merge Clients function updates and consolidates records from one client record into another. This is typically used when two records belong to the same person. Navigation Tools → Client Functions ...

  • Transfer Attendance (Client)

    The Transfer Attendance function allows administrators to move attendance records for a client from one course section (Source Course Code) to another (Target Course Code). This ensures attendance dat...

  • Unlock Invoice

    The Unlock Invoice function allows authorized users to reset a locked invoice back to Active status. Once unlocked, the invoice can be modified by any user with edit permissions. Navigation: Tools → U...