Course Categories are used across multiple areas, including Courses, Conferences, Products, Memberships, Prepaid, and Donations, to help categorize and organize offerings. Proper setup enhances searchability and improves the filtering of results within XenDirect.
Main Menu → Selects → A-D → Course Categories
Applies To: Enterprise, Plus, Basic
Field Details
Category Name
- Name of the Category.
- Required field; must be unique.
- Used extensively as a search field option throughout XenDirect.
- Well-thought-out category names improve search efficiency and flexibility.
Display Online
- If checked, course sections and products under the category will be visible in the WebReg module, provided all other conditions are met.
- If unchecked, they will not display in the WebReg module.
Approval Code
- If an Approval Code is entered, clients must enter the code before adding course sections under this category to their cart in WebReg.
Search Type
- Determines which category lists and product type searches the category will appear in.
- Used as a display enhancement for category searches within the WebReg module.
Proper categorization ensures efficient search filtering and user-friendly navigation in XenDirect and WebReg. Configure Category Names, Approval Codes, and Display settings carefully to optimize search and registration workflows. For further assistance, refer to related articles or contact support.