InSight is the powerful reporting tool of XenDirect.
About InSight Insight is an integrated Reporting Management System (RMS) with features that allow organizations to easily transform raw data into meaningful and useful information. InSight is a tool ...
When in report view mode, the following report and screen elements may display based on available report options and the report format: Title/Filter Area At the top of every report, the report title...
There are several methods available to search for an InSight report. Before users can access InSight reports and dashboards, [
To preview an InSight report * Go to InSight Menu > Reports. * Go to the Reports tab. * Locate the report desired. * Two methods to preview a report: * Click the Report Title. * Click t...
The InSight filter options provide great flexibility and power directly to the user. Most reports display between one and three built-in filter options. However, the user can change these options an...
Changing the Search Method for a Built-in Filter and Removing a Built-in Filter The search method for built-in filters can easily be modified. Follow these steps to change an existing search filter ...
Follow these steps to add a new search filter. * While in the report view of a report, select the [Quick Edit] option from the [Edit] button. * Click the [+] button to the left of the [Apply Fil...
When adding more than one filter, the default logic between the filters is that they must all be true. However, sometimes you may desire to have some filters true sometime. To change the filter logi...
Filtering a report for a specific date/day when a course section is running is a common request. Filtering an InSight report for a running date takes more than one filter to obtain the desired outcome...
Following are the available filtering operators and methods. Filtering method availability will vary based on the data type. Null versus Blank: Null is an absence of a value. A Blank string is a valu...