Updates, new features, and fixes for the XenDirect Admin Module - Release 3
Release Numbers: There are four parts to the release number as represented by A.B.C.D where: A = Release version, B = Sequential year of release (2020 is year 1, 2021 is year 2, etc.), C = Month of the year, and D = The sequential number of the release that month. Example:
February 13, 2025 v3.6.01.02
Deployed 5:00-7:00 AM ET
Course Section (all versions)
- The missing Instructor 2 search option when using the Advanced Search has been added.
Funding Sources (Enterprise and Plus versions)
- On Client > Funding Sources and Invoice > Funding Sources, the field's select list now also displays the Funding Source Category value as a reference. This is crucial to some Funding Source identification such as ed2go.
CountBook (all versions)
- The error when using the Advanced Search while using these operators has been resolved.
- Including the operators "is not", "is any of", and "is not any of".
Bundles (Enterprise version)
- The inability to delete courses linked to Bundles and the primary Bundle record has been resolved. Note that the delete process may still be restricted if the Bundle has been purchased and exists in other records.
January 30, 2025 v3.6.01.02
Deployed 5:00-7:00 AM ET
News Link (all versions)
- The News link error in the User Menu has been resolved.
Cancel Section (all versions)
- The error caused when the course title contained an apostrophe has been resolved.
Manage ed2go (all versions, if enabled)
- The Purge workflow error has been resolved.
- The incorrect prompt when sending a CTP registration and the client's phone number is blank is resolved.
January 19, 2025 v3.6.01.01
Manage ed2go (all versions)
- The previous [Download ed2go] feature is no longer used. The download now occurs automatically every Sunday to all customers using ed2go. Each time the download runs, the latest available courses from the ed2go catalog are downloaded.
January 16, 2025 v3.6.01.01
Deployed 5:00-7:00 AM ET
Client Address (all versions)
- The process of entering City, State, Postal Code, and Country fields has been modified when the Branch setting for Preferred Address Method = ZIP-Global.
Postal Codes (all versions)
- The errors with the Replace One Postal Code and Replace Duplicate Postal Codes workflows are resolved.
States (all versions)
- The error with the Replace State workflow is resolved.