Snapshot and Dashboard Survey Seeks User Input |
The ability to view important metrics at a glance is becoming the standard. With the increasing demand to make decisions smarter and faster, users want the XenDirect snapshots and dashboards to be relevant, immediate, and accurate. Here is an opportunity for users to let us know what metrics are the most important in their daily work. Our design and building process for the snapshots and dashboards of XenDirect Release 3 will be based on user input. We are targeting January 2022 to release the first embedded snapshots and dashboards in Release 3, so your input will have a direct effect on that design. Use this link to access the online survey. Feel free to share the survey URL with your staff for their input as well. And don't hesitate to add more any time you think of a new metric that would benefit your decision-making. Thank you in advance for your input! |
Default Filters Create Faster Load Times |
When users open data areas to the search pages, you have probably noticed that the results lists are already populated with data. Using Clients as an example, every client is represented in that list. With some organizations having tens of thousands of client records, and a few having hundreds of thousands, it takes seconds longer to open the form with all the data prepopulated. In Release 3, that is by design. For years, Release 2 users wanted to add more and more filters upfront. Over time, the number of requests could not be met and yet maintain a clutter-free page. But Release 3 has a solution to that. Every user can set a unique default filter that is easy to build and change. And if you set a default filter that reduces the number of initial records, the page loads faster. Creating a default filter that has no possible outcomes will help the page load the fastest. Xenegrade highly suggests using default filters wherever possible. If you would like to learn more about this feature, read the Search Tips section of the support article about searches. It will tell you exactly how to create a very useable default filter that you can even modify to fit your needs. |
Customizing the Main Panel Places Most Important Fields First |
One of the great data entry features of XenDirect Release 3 is modifying the fields on the main panel of data entry forms. Each Branch can determine which fields display on the main panel. Add your most important fields and remove the fields you use less often. The most commonly used forms possess this feature. When a field from a subpanel is also displayed in the primary panel, the data is the same in both. It is not two different fields. The display is the same field in two locations. Want to learn more? |
Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule |
Xenegrade will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 25-26, 2021, so that staff can observe the Thanksgiving holiday with their families. The office will reopen Monday, November 29. As usual, if there is an emergency where accessing XenDirect is unavailable, submit a support ticket via the support center using the predefined emergency process. All of us at Xenegrade wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday. |