Data Services is Making a BIG Move By Fall 2022 |
Normally, a big move means packing up all your belongings, hire big moving trucks, and seek plenty of hands to help carry all the boxes. In this case, the move may be big, but it is purely digital. No moving trucks needed. In this case, the move has to do with data. By early Fall, we will start the process of moving all our services and data to Amazon Web Services (AWS). This means by the time we finish this move, all our servers located in the data center will be shut down and all applications and data will be housed at AWS. There are numerous advantages to this move, including:
We will have more detail in August as we get closer to making the first customer moves. Meanwhile, thank you for your support during this time of transition. |
Release 2 Phase Out Undergoes Revisions But Still On Target |
With the move to AWS, we are delaying any of the July and August customer transitions to Release 3 until September. This allows us the time to prepare a proper transition process to AWS. More details will be available in August on this process. But that's not all. There are also some major performance improvements on the way. Three areas, in particular, are being modified to dramatically improve performance. Some of the modifications for these three areas will also benefit other areas, so even though we are targeting these three areas now, that drive for performance improvement is never over.
Read the details about the Phase Out process... |
Don't Forget Your Custom URL Secure Certificate Renewals. |
If you have a custom URL associated with your WebReg module, you have a secure web certificate unique to your URL. It is imperative that you monitor the expiration date for that certificate to prevent it from expiring without a renewal. Since those secure certificates are not owned by Xenegrade, we don't have the ability to renew those. Way too often, a last minute rush to renew the certificate takes place after it has expired, and clients cannot make purchases on the WebReg module. Give yourself plenty of time ahead of the expiration date. Try to renew 1-2 weeks before the expiration, and be sure to send us the updated certificate details to install on the system. With a little advanced planning, we can prevent that expiration date from becoming an issue and keep your registrations coming in smoothly. |
Did You Know That Some Services Are Not Covered Under Standard Support |
Standard technical support covers many things, but there are two areas that are not covered: ODBC query development and debugging user-built InSight reports. We try to provide some guidance in these two areas, but the ability to provide support for these two areas would require additional support coverage. What are your options? For both ODBC and InSight user-built reports, there are two options: The first option is to purchase a block of hours for use by our staff to use as needed when support is requested. The second option is to purchase support for a specific report or project. In both these cases, the support may be with someone other than those you often communicate within the ticket support system. As needed, the program engineers step in and assist with these kinds of support as they are often above and beyond the normal support requirements. And if needed, this same process could be used to have Xenegrade build custom reports for you. |
Independence Day Holiday Office Schedule |
Xenegrade will be closed on Monday, July 4, 2022, so that staff can observe the Independence Day holiday with their families. The office will reopen on Tuesday, July 5, 2022. As usual, if there is an emergency where accessing XenDirect is unavailable, submit a support ticket via the support center using the predefined emergency process. All of us at Xenegrade cherish the freedoms we have in America. May you and your families remain safe this holiday weekend. |