Release 2 Phase Out Details Available for Review |
It has been several years in the making, but the Release 2 phase out process will begin in just a few weeks. For some, this process will be painless and part of the normal every day experience as they already use Release 3 on a full-time basis. For others, the expectation of this process brings hesitation and some worry. Let's help relieve some of that worry with details about the phase out process. There is a new updated series of articles posted in the Support Center that provides detail on:
Thank you for your support during this time of transition. Read the details... |
Don't Forget About the New Status Website and Subscription |
With a few recent server incidents, if you have not seen or subscribed to the new Service Status website, it is more important than ever to please consider doing so. This new website displays up-to-date server issues or scheduled maintenance that affect user access to XenDirect. We developed this site to communicate with users on a timely and large scale basis. One of the key features of the status site is your ability to subscribe to the automated email list. Every time an update is made to the status site, all subscribers will receive an automated email related to the status update. Xenegrade support staff can now update the status of a service area, and users will get immediate notification of the event. Visit the site... |
TIP: Add yourself to the News Email List |
Trying to manage an accurate email list of almost 5,000 XenDirect users is practically impossible. People leave. New people arrive. And some change email addresses. That is why several years ago we provided users the ability to opt-into an email list used for notifications such as a current news posting. However, almost every week someone states they did not know about this opt-in email list option. Let me mention it again. From within XenDirect you can opt-in to the news email list. Go to the screen area where you log out and look for the User Profile link (Release 2) or My Profile link (Release 3). Use this link to manage your profile options. Once you opt-in, you are on the news email list until you decide to opt-out. Thank you for taking the time to make sure the news email list is up to date! |
Memorial Day Holiday Office Schedule |
Xenegrade will be closed on Monday, May 30, 2022, so that staff can observe the Memorial Day holiday with their families. The office will reopen on Tuesday, May 31, 2022. As usual, if there is an emergency where accessing XenDirect is unavailable, submit a support ticket via the support center using the predefined emergency process. All of us at Xenegrade mourn for those who sacrificed all for the service of their country and to their families who continue to sacrifice their loss. May you and your families remain safe this holiday weekend. |