Processing functions to help you manage your services.
The Add Assignments function allows users to add assignments from existing course enrollments. This process ensures that assignments are correctly recorded and updated for clients. Follow the steps be...
The Add Earned Credits function allows users to bulk update Earned Credits in assignment records for an entire course section or session enrollment. Users can select either an entire Session or one or...
The Cancel Section function allows users to automatically cancel up to five course sections while performing system-driven updates such as enrollment status changes, refunds, and notifications. Only C...
The Change End Date function allows users to update the end date for all course sections that match specific date criteria in a single step. This ensures accuracy and efficiency when modifying multipl...
The Change Start Date function allows users to update the start date for all course sections that match specific date criteria in a single step. This ensures accuracy and efficiency when modifying mul...
The Change Status function allows users to update the enrollment status of client assignments in a single step. This feature is useful for bulk status updates, ensuring consistency and efficiency in c...
The Delete Section function allows authorized users to permanently remove a course section and its related records from various tables in the system. This process is irreversible, so ensure that the c...
The Exit Assignments utility allows users to update assignment exit information for an entire course enrollment from a single screen. This feature enables bulk updates for key fields such as grades, c...
When pasting text into HTML fields such as course descriptions, ASCII characters from the original application may display incorrectly. The Fix ASCII function automatically replaces these characters w...
The Merge Sections function allows users to merge one Course Section into another, along with all related records. This process consolidates course data while ensuring duplicate records are handled ap...