Headlines - October 25, 2021


Support Center Upgrade Update
It has been two weeks since the Xenegrade Support Center upgrade, and things are going very smoothly at this point. In the first few days, there were a few minor issues as expected, but we have since resolved all of those.
The support staff is adjusting to the new center as we are sure you are, but the simplicity in design and new features are making the upgrade well worth the effort. A few things to note:
- The News has moved. If you are reading this post you already know that.
- The knowledgebase articles are in the process of being rewritten. We are about 20% completed at this point. You will see the addition of more graphics in these revisions compared to the previous support center.
- The search feature is much more accurate and powerful. With our ability now to use tags in articles, we can fine-tune searches more than ever before.
- A new Suggestion option has been added. (See article below for more detail)
Thank you for your patience during this upgrade.

Clarifying the InSight Rumor Mill
Over the past few weeks, we have received a few customer comments about things they have heard related to the InSight feature. However, the information they heard is not accurate. Let's clarify those items.
- InSight is going away by 2022. False. The InSight feature is actually expanding in 2022. We are in the process of adding Snapshots and Dashboards into release 3, all using the power that InSight has to generate the great charts and graphics needed. The old Crystal Reports report generator is being retired in 2022.
- HTML knowledge is needed to run InSight reports. False. Users can run any InSight report without any HTML knowledge or skills at all. Even Pro users who want to build their own InSight reports don't need HTML skills. The only feature where HTML is helpful is if a Pro user wants to build a form rather than a column report. For most pro users, building form reports is probably 5% or less of the reports they build.
- Xenegrade will be converting all user-built Crystal Reports. False. Xenegrade will be converting custom reports that customers paid us to build in the old Crystal Reports feature to InSight versions. However, Crystal Reports built by users are not being converted to InSight reports. InSight Pro users will need to rebuild old user-built Crystal Reports within InSight. This process needs to be completed before the Crystal Reports feature is retired. The process started about two years ago, and many users have already completed that process.

Deleted Payment Records Issue and Fix
During some recent research on a support ticket, we discovered that when a new payment was added via the Release 3 Admin module, a copy of that record was also added to the Deleted General Ledger table. We have since resolved the issue. However, for some organizations, those live payment record copies still exist.
By the end of the first week of November, we will have removed those record copies so that the Deleted General Ledger table only contains those actual payments that have been deleted.
If you have any concerns or questions, please submit a support ticket with your inquiry.

Tip: How to Change a User Password
With the changes made to the change password process, some users have submitted tickets asking about or clarifying the process. Here is a summary of the available options.
Users can change their password using two different methods:
- From the User Profile/Logout panel
- From the Forgot Password link in the login screen.
- For security reasons, users cannot change passwords for other users.
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New Suggestion Submission Process
With the new support center now in full operations, suggestions can now be submitted directly via a support ticket. Suggestions must be submitted using the special online form rather than email so that the proper form fields are entered and the suggestion gets directed correctly.
This new process also saves us time as we will no longer have to maintain two databases to handle support issues and suggestions. For users, a full history of the suggestion thread will now be saved.
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