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Entering and Modifying Data
Financial Workflows and Tools
Section description:
Adding a Billing Payment
Adding a Cash, Check or Credit Card Payment
Adding a Discount Payment
Invoices - Functions
Adding a payment transaction
Adding Quantity Registrations
Entering OnAccount Given / OnAccount Used
Adding a Transaction for Insufficient Funds
Balance Due Incorrect
Client unable to make payments on the WebReg module
Company Invoices
Credit Card transactions are being declined
Refunding an Amount OnAccount
Processing Credit Cards Electronically
Recording Additional Revenue
Recover a Deleted Transaction
Refunding a Payment
Revenue Item in Payment Does Not Match Fee
Setting Up A Corporate Client
Setting Up 1098-T Reporting
Setting Up Balance Due Calculations
Transaction is Missing
Transferring a Payment and Course Registration
Uncollected Funds, Bounced Checks, and Voiding Bills
Using the OnAccount/Refund Function
Processing functions to help you manage the financial records.