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Facilities serve as a higher-level classification within the system, working alongside Buildings and Locations to categorize physical spaces. This document provides details on managing Facility record...
Family structures are used in the Client Family Structure field to categorize and identify different family types within the system. This feature helps in organizing client data efficiently. Navigatio...
Fee Groups determine the fees charged to clients based on their membership group. When adding fees to course sections, fees are assigned per Fee Group, allowing for fee variations when needed. Navigat...
FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) Types are used to identify FTE reimbursement in Course Sections. This classification helps organizations track and manage FTE calculations efficiently. Navigation: Main Menu...
Funding Sources are used to track financial contributions across various areas, including Clients, Courses, Invoices, and Payments. Properly managing Funding Sources ensures accurate tracking of finan...
The Gender field is used within Client and Staff Demographics to classify individuals based on a designated gender code. In a multi-branch setup, Gender values are standardized across all branches, me...
Global Fees supplement Course Section Fees using a bulk add process or auto-import into Client Invoices. These fees are designed as additions to Course Section Fees but are not attributed to just one ...
Goals are used to track and categorize client objectives. They help organizations manage, report, and assess client progress in alignment with specific programs. This document provides an overview of ...
Grading codes, ranks, and scales are used as a crosswalk or legend for setting numeric value ranges for alpha grades. These fields help define grading systems, ensure consistency, and determine how gr...
Infractions are used within Client Case Notes to track violations or disciplinary actions. These records help organizations maintain documentation of client behavior and ensure proper case management....