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  • Interventions

    Interventions are recorded in Client Case Notes to document actions taken to support or assist clients. These records help track behavioral interventions, support services, and corrective actions take...

  • Job Category

    Job Categories are used in the Client Registration Placements table to classify different types of client placements. Proper categorization helps in tracking employment types, internships, or training...

  • Job Openings

    Job Openings are used to identify available job opportunities and client placements in the system. These records help in tracking employment opportunities and linking them to specific employers for be...

  • Job Titles

    Job Titles are used to identify personnel roles in Client Employment and Staff tables. In multi-branch setups, Job Titles are shared across all branches, meaning that modifications in one branch affec...

  • Languages

    Languages are used in the Client Record Native Language field to indicate a client’s primary spoken language. Each language entry must be unique and cannot be duplicated across multiple records. Navig...

  • Locations

    Locations are used to identify where courses and events take place. Each location consists of a combination of Facility, Building, and Room to provide an accurate representation of the event’s setting...

  • Marketing Sources

    Marketing Sources are used to track how clients heard about services or programs. These sources are recorded in the Client and Client Assignment records under the How Heard fields. Proper setup ensure...

  • Name Prefixes

    The Name Prefix field is used to assign salutations such as Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr., etc., in records. This ensures standardized formatting and proper identification in client and staff records. Navigatio...

  • Payment Types

    Payment Types are used to identify methods of payment for revenue records in Client Payments and the General Ledger. These records cannot be added or deleted, as they are restricted to ensure consiste...

  • Penalties

    Penalties are used in Client Case Notes to document any recorded penalties associated with a client. Each penalty entry requires a unique name. Navigation Main Menu → Selects → N-Z → Penalties Applies...